1. Cherry Blossoms
Central Park
Central Park
Cherry Blossoms
New York’s cherry trees are in bloom by mid-April every year. The three most common types are the Okame, Yoshino and Kwanzan. The pink-flowered Okame usually begins blooming in late March or early April, but the Yoshino (which has white flowers) and the Kwanzan (which is pink and can produce up to 28 petals on each blossom) may still have flowers in late April or early May.
Cherry Blossom Tracker
New York’s cherry trees are in bloom by mid-April every year. The three most common types are the Okame, Yoshino and Kwanzan. The pink-flowered Okame usually begins blooming in late March or early April, but the Yoshino (which has white flowers) and the Kwanzan (which is pink and can produce up to 28 petals on each blossom) may still have flowers in late April or early May.
Cherry Blossom Tracker